Filter Epipure Eco

Filter EPI EPIPURE ECO is a combination of several layers of kraft paper cut and shaped to obtain a significant overspray retention capacity. At the outlet a thickness of synthetic media makes it possible to obtain a fineness of filtration, which avoids any clogging of the extraction turbines and the atmospheric rejections (pollution of the extraction ducts and the exteriors of the buildings).
- Suitable for all types of paints, varnishes, etc… (water-soluble and solvent based)
- Increasing the filtration area by 4
- Reduced replacement frequency
- Retention capacity 5 à 8 times superior to conventional filters (depending on type of paint)
- Fineness of filtration 1000 micron particles : 99,5%
- Very low pressure loss
- Fire classification : flame retardant
- Kraft paper cut and shaped, progressive opening + synthetic medias assembled to form pockets
- Plastic frame
Efficiency: 99.5% on powdery paints
Pressure loss : 4 Pa to 0.5m/s
Retention capacity: 24 to 32 kg/m²